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If you have a high grade partial tear of your distal biceps or a complete tear, we often recommend surgery for optimal elbow flexion and supination strength. 


Typically a three inch incision is made in the front of the elbow/forearm. The biceps tendon is found and is reattached down to the radius bone. This is typically done with a button device that keeps the tendon secured to the bone. The wound is closed with absorbable sutures and a splint is placed.


Elbow motion therapy is typically started 1-2 weeks following the surgery with complete recovery expected by 3 months. 


Biceps Tendon Repair: Services

Hand and Upper Extremity Surgeon

Jonathan Twu M.D

Practice Locations

Glen Ellyn

430 Pennsylvania Ave

Ste 240

Glen Ellyn, IL, 60137

Tel: 630-790-1872


100 Spalding Ave

Ste 300

Naperville, IL 60540

Tel: 630-790-1872

© 2021 by Jonathan Twu M.D.

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